
My BHAG: To own (and even read) all the good comics!

Current Status: I’m mostly a Marvel guy. I’ve spent the last few years filling in the holes in my big collection (GI Joe, Wolverine, X-Men, Spiderman, Spawn, Etc.). I’m getting focused on actually reading them now. Currently reading Uncanny X-Men (500+ issues)!

My Favorite Characters

There are lots of characters but only a few favorites.

Series In My Collection

I have over 5,000 comic books across over 400 different titles. 

Series I’ve Read

As a kid, I had always just bought comics but had never read them.  What better time to START reading comic books than when you are over 40 years old!?!?

Comic Related Posts

West Coast Avengers

West Coast Avengers (Limited Series) (Year 1984 / Issues #1-4) I had the second series of West Coast Avengers but had not read the prior limited series.  The OCD completionist in me would not allow me to read the latter without reading the former.  This is my cross to bear!  This 4 issue miniseries was…

Marvel Comics Presents (Year 1988-1995 / Issues #1-175)

I chose to read this series as my second series because it would introduce me to a variety of characters (many lesser-known ones too).  Each issue is broken up into several stories.  Most of these comics were flip issues.  One side has a cover (with a popular character like Wolverine) and that half of the…

Marvel Saga (Year 1985-1987 / Issues #1-25)

As a kid, I had always just bought comics but had never read them.  What better time to START reading comic books than when you are over 40 years old!?!? I remember buying issue #1 of this series.  I had just started going to the comic book shops and was collecting GI Joe and West…

Comics Update (2019)

As a child, I actually enjoyed getting braces (and endured the pain that came along with them) because it meant we got to go to town, and I could go to the comic book store?!?  Ah…comic books!  Was there ever a more perfect medium of expression.  I’d spend as much of my hard-earned money as…